Thursday, September 29, 2016

Timing Array Definitions

I did some brief research and got some more definitions you might find useful

The volatility line is like the top point, these are "turning points" so the turning points on the array can be either highs or lows, like the highest bar might be the lowest volatility.  Or the highest.

Panic Cycle - I'm going to include it here even though I just said it.  It means the price of the day is likely to move past the previous high and low.

Directional Change - It's not a high or a low (necessarily) but it marks an increase in conviction, which can be in the same direction, or the opposite.

Top line - the sum of all other lines (plus like 70 others) This marks turning points.  A high on this line could be a high in price, or a low.

Volatility - this actually means volatility, unlike the "VIX" which just means bearishness in stocks.  Volatility is supposed to be wild swings, probably what it means is a large distance between the high and low of the day.


  1. There are two different volatility lines now, with the new graphics.

    1. Yep, one intraday, and one in the extended hours.

      It means you might be at risk at missing out on some rally if you sit out overnight.

  2. Worth noting is that a directional change can take 1-3 units of time before it comes to affect.
