Thursday, September 1, 2016

Is Evolution worth the money?

As far as the picks, that's what we're trying to find out. 

There is one thing I can tell you for certain.  Don't try to trade the evolution system based on mannarino's videos or this blog.  This blog is probably a little better, but realize that I also have a job, and do some of this at work, and while some posts are timely, some will surely not be, especially the exit point on a trade I didn't make.

It's been maybe 2 days since I reviewed the past hits.  Maybe they flipped yesterday.  Now that I think about it, if they did, I can't objectively pick and end point, so I should be sure to review these every day.  Still, that's not a guarantee. 

If you count the buy+sell commission, the evolution system is cheaper than 2 trades, also if you do options, which cost more, one trade commission could cost more. 

If you are trying to save the money and follow this blog instead, that will be a huge mistake.

I think this is the bottom line for the price.
Even if you don't use it to look for a trade, you could at least run a trade you were already thinking of using.  What is the price of making a bad trade?  Way more than 20 dollars I can assure you. 

I went back and looked at Brexit.  Evolution picked up the action in gold and silver.  One would have made a ton of money if you had the guts to follow evolution through that turmoil.  It did not trigger a stock sell until the second day, but that would have made good money too.  Also, I close my short at the end of the first day and went long.  That lost a lot of money, and evolution would have stopped me.  If I'd have made the same trade a day later, I would have made tons.

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