Wednesday, September 14, 2016

9-14-16 WBA

Since I'm a day late, I'm going to post the 30 minute chart to see if there's any short term reasons for hesitation. 

This was a bear hit yesterday, and has thusly played out today.

It still looks very bearish here, I'd hang on to this short.  The weekly is not sending a strong signal in either direction.


  1. I am staying in short on this one until I get an early SD peak on the daily...Then I'm out. I think it will drop well below the SMA before turning back up.

    1. I'd personally want more of a signal than that. It depends on the market. Lately I've been more skiddish because the market has been flopping around so much.

  2. Are you talking about checking the 1 hr? I like using the 4 hr. It breaks the day in half, giving you more detail but not too much.

  3. Sold my WBA Dec16 85 Puts. 44.9% ROI (including trading costs) in 5 trading days.
