Friday, September 9, 2016

Have you made any bad trades with evolution?

If you want, you can let me know exactly what you did, and I'll see if we can find a reliable way to avoid it in the future.

Maybe you missed a sell, or got in when it really wasn't a perfect fit to get in?

Maybe you say, love going long silver, and you jumped the gun and bought before it was time.


Maybe evolution just missed one!

This site is for evaluating Evolution, not just cheerleading or bragging or whatever.


  1. WMT 9/6/2016 Bull with Alternative Setup.

    1. AAPL and KO burned in the same way and i checked the crossovers

    2. Hugo, on Fidelity, WMT on 09-06-16 was showing a "heads-up" for a trend change. Was confirmed a Sell/Short trigger on 09-07-16.

  2. Hi Joe, I have had mixed results so far using the Evolution System. New at trading options, I was slightly up but now TSLA is taking me down.

    After seeing what I am pretty sure were all positive signs on the ES, I bought TSLA November 18 200 calls before the market opened on 9/8 at $13.20. The stock has gone slightly down since and now the UO has turned down and the CMO has a leg down.

    My option is now at about $11.00. Mostly I would like to understand if i did something wrong. Plus am I correct in thinking I should get out now?

    Whatever you or anyone else can offer will be appreciated.

    1. Ok, I will do a TSLA chart. I think I responded somewhere in a comment that I didn't think it was a good opportunity. Also, I didn't even know you could buy before the market opened.

    2. I absolutely can't tell you to get out. I think it's even illegal for me to give that level of advice.

      In my opinion, evolution thinks it looks really bad right now. I can kinda see the signal. It wasn't a perfect hit because of the UO, but I personally would have been ok with that. The signs have mostly flipped.

      TSLA is actually doing far better than the rest of the market.

      Whatever you do, keep it on your radar. There might be a new buy signal soon.

      I can try to reconstruct this trade without using hindsight.

      I think the buy was legitimate.
      By 11:30 ET the stock was a SOLID sell on the hourly, and by 11:00 on the 30 minute chart. With the stock market tanking, it could have been a good time to get out. So, keep that thought in mind for next time.

      I actually am kinda still bullish on this, and I never bought it so I can say that without emotional attachment. I like it to outperform the S&P, but does that mean it will go up? Or just go down less?

    3. This is a tough one. Looking at the chart, it is a flat out sell signal. So if you did something wrong, it would be not getting out soon enough.

  3. Sold OIL Dec16 5.00 Calls @ $0.96 on 09-09-16. Lost $5.00 total on trade including trading costs (my first loser). Just didn't like the way the EVO set-up looked (SD up leg) so got out to free-up funds for a better trade set-up. I don't think that this was a loser for the Evolution System...just my timing. Also, OIL may still go higher from here.

    1. Also lost some scratch ($34.00 total) on my TOL puts. Once again, it was me getting impatient, not EVO's fault. If I was still holding, I would be in the green on the trade.

  4. You and Mannarino show your profit/loss statements yet? I think you and Mannarino are a bunch of amateurs, retail investors, who can't beat the S&P and buy/hold investing. Prove me wrong.

    1. Yes, I am an amateur. I thought that was obvious. What is the point of trying to insult us? Find my post on helpful vs unhelpful comments.

    2. Because mannarino is misleading newbies and naive by pretending to be a successful expert in the field of investing. He is not.
