Monday, October 31, 2016

How to read a poll (these days)

The poll in question

This is a tracking poll, and I think it will be updated each day, so the exact numbers will change.  I'll doing it with the numbers I have right now. 

Stated result
Hillary 44.1, Trump 41.6, the rest/undecided 14.3

Step 1) the true part

Among democrats
Hillary 86, Trump 6, the rest/undecided 8
Among republicans
Hillary 6, Trump 84, the rest/undecided 11
Among independents polled
Hillary 33, Trump 43, the rest/undecided 23

Of the rest, Johnson leads Stein about 2.5:1

Party identification breakdown:(Unweighted) 335 Democrats/375 Republicans/312 Independents; (Weighted) 379/311/322. Results in table above are based on weighted sample. 

Did you catch that?  Despite probably trying to poll more democrats, they ended up with more republicans, and ended up "weighing" the data to count the democrat votes more.  That's what weighing means.  There is no explanation for why they chose this weighing.

So the ACTUAL poll results (unweighted)
Party Votes For Clinton For Trump Other
Democrat 335 288 20 27
Republican 375 23 315 38
Independent 312 106 137 69
Total 1022 417 472 133
as a percent 100 40.8 46.2 13.0
This is a 5.4% lead for Trump.  
If you weigh to the actual party affiliations in the country:
Party Votes For Clinton For Trump Other
Democrat 307 264 18 25
Republican 266 16 223 27
Independent 449 153 198 99
Total 1022 433 439 150
as a percent 100 42.3 43.0 14.7
Then when you factor in enthusiasm (likelihood to vote) you probably end up closer to the first poll.  So a Clinton +4 is actually a win for Trump.

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