Tuesday, August 30, 2016

SLV, SPX still pass the evolution test + random other comments on evolution hits.

despite down days.  GDX did see the CMO flip.  The previous pivot has been moved, and now it's giving an early warning for the 30th being the pivot.  Maybe it will stay that way, or maybe the pivot will be delayed again.  If the peak is made, and there is an additional day after the SD peak, does that mean the peak is fixed in place?  Or can it still move?

OIL flipped on the CMO, but it still looks strong overall by evolution.  Sometimes the CMO flips and flips back the next day, and these can be big moves.

If you ever think I should call an exit for the purposes of grading evolution, please let me know in the comments.  I check ALL comments simultaneously with the blog tool, so a new comment on a very old post will still get seen.  

MCD is VERY strong looking in evolution.  As in --- woof.

I hope to cow that anybody who went in on the GS got out, because today's action ... DAMN.  Actually GS is mostly a buy now, but with an early warning of a pivot.  These early warnings are a dime a dozen though, they constantly appear and disappear.

NKE puts are doing great and evolution thinks it will continue.  Most of the hits in the past 6 months were good for 2 weeks or more.

PCLN and T is mostly still in carry-on mode. 

BOND is iffy.  It was originally a bear hit.  Without a pivot point warning, I suppose I'll leave it going.

So bottom line - nothing else to score other than the GS