Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The 4 clues for Sept 23

 UPDATE!: The 3 day trend from 9-20 to 9-22 might be a consolidation

First, with the hidden messages:
While searching for this, I also found him talking over a year ago about september 23 for 2015.  I dont' think anything major happened.  Possibly it was all for sept 23 of this year?  HE mentioned the Simpsons season 24 episode 9 as having a clue for 9-23, in addition to bunch of "7s" which is a big number to those banker freaks.

Refer to my post on about the 7th.  There was less info on that date, and it ended up being the reigning high on the NASDAQ so far.  For some reason the NASDAQ has been the one being touted as following the biblical calendar of Bo Polny.  More on that later.

Here is a quick shot of the nasdaq topping on that date, where the little black circle is. 
If this holds, there is very little remaining upside.  Perhaps the 23rd is a double top?

If you desire a bit more meat in your evidence, from Bo Polny's stock market report:
August 24: First Price Drop? YES, a PERFECT BREAK of the BLACK LINE to the day! (GOLD arrow)

September 6: Price Push up (cycle high)? YES, a PERFECT cycle high to the day! (PINK arrow)
*****also see the afore linked to post!  This coincided with the intraday top on the 7th****
September 21-22: Day before crash? TIME POINT TO SHORT the world stock markets!?
September 23: This Date is expected to be THE DAY a COLLAPSE begins!? He goes on to post a chart of the historical cycle, showing a crash on the 23rd.

Also, there is a fed announcement ending on the 21st.  Expect hawkish tones!

Now gaze as this masterpiece of confusion!

Gaze at the top line.  Purple doesn't always mean down days, and blue doesn't always mean up.  According to Armstrong, with the high in on 9-15, this meant the two pink days would be down days.  This line indicates turning points.  It doesn't have to be a directional change in the market, but it often can be.  The blue bar on 9-15 was a turning point, from up to down, which lasted 2 days, as predicted.  I believe then, that 9-19 has a bottom, and it should go up for 3 days, topping on the 22nd?  Followed by a down day with a LOT of volatility on the 23rd.  This is not expected by armstrong to be a be-all end-all crash.  It is possible I'm reading this wrong. 

He also posted a weekly version, and the week beginning 10-10 is a major turning point also!  A perfect fit with Bo.  So I expect this to be a low (even though it is a blue bar)

And lets not forget about Evolution.  Evolution is rather bearish on stocks long term, but not on the daily.  This supports a perfect fit, with a rise over a number of days, and the next few weeks and possibly months being lower.

There is one more thing that is very important to mention.  Hillary Clinton can't likely debate because of her health, however I am not a doctor!  The debate is the 26th.  Consider that whatever happens the 23rd could be a debate cancelling event. 


  1. Movie Monster Shows 9:23 with a black swan

    Webbot says 4day market break 20-23Sep?

    'Hillary withdraws'the mother of all smokescreens which the whole world we pay attention to. Must happen before 26Sep as mannequin/body Doubles/cgi can't come to debate.

  2. No one knows where is Hillary since her mannequin 9/11 one camera event

  3. No one knows where is Hillary since her mannequin 9/11 one camera event

  4. Movie Monster Shows 9:23 with a black swan

    Webbot says 4day market break 20-23Sep?

    'Hillary withdraws'the mother of all smokescreens which the whole world we pay attention to. Must happen before 26Sep as mannequin/body Doubles/cgi can't come to debate.

  5. Last one- Obama's decision on signing JASTA (Saudi Treasury dumping) is this week as well.
