Thursday, September 29, 2016

9-29-16 Gold quarterly array

Gold has been up all year.  It looks like in this 3rd quarter, we got a quarter exactly like today on the Dow.  Panic cycle, directional change.  To me this says we have turned down on the quarterly scale, which will turn around somewhere in the 1st quarter 2017.  I'm going to go out on a limb and say there are some PM lovers here, but don't hate the data.  That is an emotional reaction. 

Then look for 2nd and 3rd quarter to be bullish quarters.  Who knows wtf is happening in 3rd quarter 2017.

ADD ON: So there should be major highs somewhere Jul-Sept of next year, and another somewhere in the last 3 months of 2018.  That one might not be the high, as we don't have the next bar after.  also, despite the april 2018 bar being smaller than the July bar, I think it translates to a higher price, it's just a smaller rally, but starting from a much higher place.


  1. Yes I love PM! The feeling of holding them in your hand is quite special.
    So even if it doesn't go up up up it's a good hedge for the paper assets and fiat money if they crash badly.

    1. Yes, I have been on the verge of buying a bunch lately. I've made a lot of money and it's kind of a way to lock in the profits so I can't blow it later. I'm not going to buy major volume now though.
