Wednesday, September 28, 2016

I just realized

A) I went almost all day without posting!  omgz
B) I haven't been doing much evolution lately!  gasp. 


A) I've just been focused on the overall market because I've had some info from Polny and Armstrong that proved reliable, so I didn't mess around picking stocks.

B) I plan on getting back to more traditional stocks after tomorrow, and especially after the 10th.

Sometimes I find stock picks are a lot of work and I am better off just paying extra attention to one thing and buying more of it. 


  1. Hi Joe,
    I'm curious: What is coming up on the 10th?

    1. Just a projected final bottom for the month of Oct

  2. Don't know about the 10th, but Jim Rickards is on record stating that on Friday September 30th at 4:00 PM, the US Dollar in Done. Yuan (Renminbi) becomes part of IMF SDR on October 1st. Will there even be a 10th of October? Probably, but things could be a lot different. What's up on your Radar Joe?

  3. absolutely nothing :(

    Tomorrow is the last day of the timing array. It was a bit bullish but not a strong signal, it since it was 2+ weeks out when the chart was made, it might not even be the same signal.

    This rickards thing sounds important, I'll look into it!

    It won't cost much to take a big bearish bet on the dollar and then close it if the bet doesn't play out.
