Thursday, September 22, 2016

9-22-16 Nothing Will Be Spared Tomorrow

This are all 30 minute charts.  They are all turning south.  This could be the start of the big one.  Maybe it will rebound to a second top on the day?

These charts don't prove the crash tomorrow, but they do prove that EVERYTHING is trading together right now! 

 GDX and SLV maybe?  rising above.  I'd watch.  There's a solid sell signal here.

There is one possible exception that might go up tomorrow

disclosure time!  I know very little, and this is all my opinion!

If you perceive me as attacking you for fun, I can assure you it's my honest opinion and I don't hate minors.  I do however, dislike the strategy of trying to find excuses to buy something specific, like mining stocks.  It's emotional trading and I used to do it!


  1. I've since browsed the UUP, it has gone bullish on the half hourly.

  2. Thank you. Tomorrow will be interesting!
