the SD - Early warning point only. By itself it means very little, and in fact it is probably the opposite 4 or 5 times before the peak actually sticks.
the UO - This is very basic. It's supposed to move in the direction of your position. Once it starts in a direction it is likely to stay that way. If it's flat for a few days that can be a decent turning point, but officially we are supposed to wait until it fully turns in our direction.
CMO - this one usually lags a bit. You will miss some action by waiting on it, and that can be good or bad.
The EMA - this one works about like the UO.
Watch the EMA. When the EMA crosses the WMA, there is a change in trend. EMA above WMA = uptrend. Ema below WMA = downtrend. Crossovers are key turning points.