Wednesday, September 14, 2016

9-14-16 AAPL

Mannarino suggested this one.  I'm not sure if it was before or after the close.  I didn't get it in time sadly.  It was a nice solid signal yesterday, and it played out extremely well today.  That's 3.75% profit so far.  Ridiculous!  After it opened at +1.85%, I didn't have the guts to buy in. 


  1. This is a raging bull. A weekly close at this level puts $120 in play. I am not in this, but I think I would still get in if I had the dry powder. I have most of my funds tied up in longer term trades pre-Evolution knowledge :(
    I will have to be satisfied with a paper trade.

    1. What does evolution think about your ongoing trades? If it says close them out, I'd do it.

  2. Using wrong term. Should have said investments. I do not want to get out of those positions. Also, I think that there will be many trades in and out of AAPL before it reaches $120. I was speaking in buy and hold terms, not swing trading. Sorry, not the focus here.
