Monday, November 7, 2016

The Hillary Anomaly Visualized

If interested, find Mannarino's video.  It's worth a listen IMhO.

The stock surge is greater in magnitude than the news it cancels out, that being a week or so ago that Comey announced they were re-opening the case.  That was the previous time the stock price touched the resistance line (solid blue). 

But look how bearish this still is
1) The bearish pink line is still on top of the orange one
2) This didn't start a new expansion cycle!  This is basically just a closure of the previous bearish expansion.
3)The price is now back below the biblical resistance line
4) currently below the moving average line, which is in about the same place.
5) A sell on the evolution 30 minute chart
6) This was supposed to be a turning point according to the timing array mashup

Getting a buy signal is unavoidable after a day like this, and I'm sure we will close with one, but I'm ignoring that.  Evolution doesn't really work after gigantic price swings.

So my conclusion here is that we haven't started a new trend, we are just wrapping up the old trend.  Of course the next trend might be different, but there is no evidence to suggest it.

I don't have a beat on Wednesday, but I'm going to be big short for Tuesday.  I think this current intraday trend will continue through the entirety of tomorrow, at which point I will probably get out completely or do a small bet with upside.

Why are they making the Hillary win so "obvious?"  They could make it neck and neck, which is how previous suspicious elections have been.  This looks like a set up to fool as many people as possible.

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