Tuesday, November 1, 2016

No insights!

Better to admit that than claim you know something you don't. 

Stocks can turn around at any time, or not.

They've been down for quite a while of late.  I don't have the guts to either jump on or catch the falling knife. 

There's no real support anywhere that I can find.  So honestly, this could free fall. 

So I guess the plan is to sit and wait.  I'll see if it gets up above the most recent support, or closes below. 


  1. I have shorted a number of stocks recently. Am watching carefully for any sign of a turn around, but don't see it yet.....

  2. Look for next support in the S&P at 200 day SMA.
    I was looking for a negative open this morning...Didn't quite get it, but it did go negative in just 13 minutes.
    On an aside, Jim Rickards said in a new interview with Greg Hunter, That a Hillary win is already priced in and a Trump win would send the market down at least 10%. My question would be: How much negative news ahead of election would it take to flush out most of what's already priced in? Hard to quantify I'm sure...

    1. BTW, any statement by me is not a claim of knowledge. It is just an opinion.

    2. I am also expecting the market to go down after the election, but I was expecting it not to go down much before then.
